#20. Eye Health NGO This is probably one of the commonest images you’ll find in this list, but there’s an interesting backstory behind it. Lying on the floor, a man is receiving an eye exam in a makeshift clinic founded by the famous NGO, Unite For Si This NGO aims to improve global eye health, and over the past years, it has provided over 90,000 cataract surgeries and has assisted nearly 2,5 million people. This picture aims to raise awareness on the issue of eye health. #19. Digital Illustration With Electric Pen This image may look like a painting, but it’s actually a digital illustration created using an electric pen . The image represents Rita Levi-Montalcini , the woman who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1986 for discovering nerve growth factor. Photo: Courtesy of National Geographic For those of you unfamiliar with the art world, digital or computer illustration is the use of digital tools to produce illustrations through the manipul
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